Thanks to all exhibitors for supporting this entry and bearing with the blazing sunshine.
Junior (no entries)
Post Graduate (2,0)
1. Lucas & Dargonne’s – Packway Little Loxley
A feminine, compact bitch with good bone, dark eye and the neatest of ears. Excellent coat. Lovely fluid movement and overall very balanced with nothing exaggerated.
2. Baumahn’s Packway Loxley Norton
Nicely framed dog with very good lay of shoulder, nice topline and strong loin. Less controlled than 1 on the move with a tendancy to pace.
Open (5,0)
This class was a real challenge for me as a new judge. Very different hounds all with strengths and faults. Apologies for my lengthy deliberations.
1. Piggott’s Kilbourne Willow for Greyzicon
A very elegant bitch with long purposeful stride, deep chest and the longest possible tail. A noticeable sighthound demeanour – alert and watchful. Nice lay of shoulder at base of elegant neck, pleasing topline and lovely fall with correct tailset. BOB.
2. Lucas and Dargonne’s Hyndsight Reason to Believe
A very contrasting bitch to 1. Strong but feminine with excellent bone and good front. Strong, straight and powerful from behind with well muscled thigh and loin. Excellent coat. RBOB
3. Gilhooly’s Freya at Nobys
Rachel Quinn